ITT: Every shitty boss you ever had that would prefer you sever yourself from your thoughts, emotions, and personhood all for the sake of capitalism. The same folk who preach about the meritocracy but fall in line and flip their shit every time a trust fund baby in a suit visits.
This whole manner of engaging in a discussion is just really annoying and most people probably won’t find it worth their time to engage with you, let alone people who just want to do their jobs. Maybe spend some time learning about how to engage with people productively or you’ll be in for a bad time whenever you step outside your echo chamber.
Sorry concern for someone other then you and your job annoys you.
Sorry people aren’t receptive to your mental jerk off sessions at work then I guess.
Oh, I’m jerking off now. Got it. All political speech is self serving, got it. You though. You’re a man of the people.