Dear community,

Maybe the answer lies in front of my eyes, I am good at not seeing this kind of things but… Is it nornal that my jellyfin recognizes en.hi subtitles as Hindi instead of English? The subtitles come from bazarr and the related github issue I found is closed: Did I miss something?

EDIT: Bazarr problem: Somehow it was completely missing the language tag “en”. My fix is to “remove HI tags” in bazarr. It is a per file operation though.

  • RmDebArc_5
    1 month ago

    If I understand it correctly Jellyfin will assume the subtitle is in Hindi because it thinks that the .hi specifies the language. Jellyfin will always assume this is the Language, it gets the hearing impaired via the tag with ffprobe, which only works if you have a embedded srt