Basically what the title says. I’ve only played two games like this so far (Silent Hill 2 and OMORI) and am looking for more.
Could be games, ROM hacks, mods of existing games, etc.
EDIT: So many great suggestions! Getting a bit overwhelmed by how many there are, so I’m going to need to find a way to put this in some kind of list with an order to play the games in. By all means, keep 'em coming, though!
Slime rancher always makes me cry at the end, but it deffo requires you reading the random notes and emails, and then also giving a shit about characters you never actually interact with. I can’t remember why it’s so emotionally effective, but this is the exact trap that keeps leading me back to replaying it and crying at the end again.
I had no idea Slime Rancher even had a story. I have a friend who used to be damn near addicted to this game.