Trigger warning SA

I haven’t seen anyone else talking about this, but Helena straight up raped Mark S in that tent and he’s traumatized as fuck in E05. And all anyone has to say is that they “slept together.” Milkshake even puts it on Mark S, asking if he told Helly R that he “…fucked her outie.”

It’s like if a guy pretended to be his twin brother so that he could sleep with the brother’s crush. I think we would all recognize that as rape right away. I hope it gets recognized for what it is later on in the season, because so far that hasn’t happened.

The whole show is about lack of consent, and how it doesn’t matter if you don’t remember what happens to you, so I guess it’s on point, but I’m just feeling so bad for Mark S and I’m worried nobody is going to recognize what happened to him.

  • ephrinOP
    1 month ago

    Yeah that’s going to be a hard pass for me on redeeming her.