Contrary to Israel’s carefully constructed façade, the record shows that Tel Aviv has long supported Hamas for purposes of destabilization and peace-wrecking, only one of the many strategic expedients deployed by Israel to achieve a long-term goal: denying Palestinian statehood and expanding its own borders. It has been now more than a year since “Hamas’s
The ideal victim is not absolutely passive. No, the ideal victim is one who fights back in some way but does so ineffectively, by flailing about, say, or screaming or crying, threatening to tell their mother, pretending they’re going to fight and then trying to run away. Doing so is precisely what makes it possible to create a moral drama in which the audience can tell itself the bully must be, in some sense, in the right.
This triangular dynamic among bully, victim, and audience is what I mean by the deep structure of bullying. It deserves to be analyzed in the textbooks. Actually, it deserves to be set in giant neon letters everywhere: Bullying creates a moral drama in which the manner of the victim’s reaction to an act of aggression can be used as retrospective justification for the original act of aggression itself.
David Graeber, The Bully’s Pulpit: