When scrolling all it’s common to see the same article posted several times, each from a different community and most with zero comments.

Is there an app that will recognise the post URLs, show that post only once in the scroll but display all the comments, perhaps with each having the community name prepended?

I usually only read the comments so there’s a lot of useless scrolling if skipping zero comment posts.

Alternatively, a filter that only shows posts with comments.

  • threelonmusketeers
    1 month ago

    since that’s what Lemmy means by a crosspost

    Somewhat confusingly, Lemmy also has a “crosspost” button which seems to do the following:

    • Bring the user to the “create post” interface
    • Autopopulate the Title and URL fields
    • If and only if the original post contains body text, autopopulate the body field with a link to the original Lemmy post and quote the body text from the original post.

    The user then chooses which community to post to.