Jenin mayor says forces duplicating their offensive on Gaza, warns his city will be abandoned; Tulkarm mayor says Israel changing refugee camps' demographics
During the same decade Palestinians were displaced in 1948 and Jews were expelled from Muslim countries, millions (Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, etc.) were displaced in Europe. Today their descendants aren’t counted as refugees. Poles don’t blow up buses in Lviv today. Neither do Germans shoot rockets into Czechia. People lost everything, built new lives, and got over it.
connection between European Antisemitism and Christian Zionism
That exists, but is an alliance of convenience, not friendship. Christian Antisemitism, failure of assimilation, and escalating persecution was the reason Zionism was established in the first place. Jews had to flee Europe or face extinction. Most had no choice but to go to their ancestral homeland.
The mass ethnic cleansing campaign of 1948:
I was referring to how this happened in practice. Many Arab Palestinians had fled their homes before the fighting even started. The well off wanted to sit out the war in Beirut, Cairo, and Damascus. Arab radio had called for civilians to evacuate and wait at a safe place for the inevitable Arab victory. Most had left before Operation Nachshon started. Not every village or town was forcibly cleared. The news of one massacre or destroyed village spread fast and people understandably fled. Most villages that were destroyed, were destroyed after the war to prevent the refugees from returning.
Plan Dalet
Read the original text yourself, instead of relying on misrepresentation after the fact.
It would have meant the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians within the area defined as the “Jewish State”
You are so incredibly misinformed by only reading one sided narrative.
Citiz1mship. Palestinian citizcns rcsiding in
l’alestine outside the City of Jerusalem, as well as
Arabs and Jews who, not holding Palestinian citi-
zenship reside in Palestine outside the City of Jeru-
salem shall, upon the recognition of indepcndenc~,
become citizcns of the State in which they are rcsi-
dent and enjoy full civil and political rights. Per-
sons over the age of eighteen years may opt, within
one year from the date of recognition of indepen-
dence of the State in which they reside, for citizen-
ship of the other State, provicling that no Arab
residing in the arca of the proposed Arab State shall
have the right to opt for citizcnship in the proposed
Jewish State and no Jew resicling in the proposcd
Jewish State shall have the right to opt for citizen-
ship in the proposed Arab State. The exercise of
this right of option will be taken to include the wives
and cliildren under eightccn years of age of persons
so opting.
Arabs rcsiding in the arca of the proposed Jewish
State and Jews residing in the area of the proposed
Arab State who have signed a notice of intention to
opt for citizcnship of the other State shall be cli-
~ble to vote in the clections to the Constituent As-
sembly of that State, but not in the clections to the
Constituent Assembly of the State in which they
I highly recommend actually reading the UN resolutions and other documents as they are often misrepresented in the media by both sides.
second-class citizens
Yes, there’s discrimination in Israel against Arabs. Similar to discrimination against minorities around the world.
Benny Morris considers Ethnic Cleansing justified
More like he sees it as inevitable. The Jews in Palestine were surrounded by numerically superior forces and feared being exterminated. They did what they had to to ensure their own survival.
Peace comes from mutual understanding of the other side.
During the same decade Palestinians were displaced in 1948 and Jews were expelled from Muslim countries, millions (Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, etc.) were displaced in Europe. Today their descendants aren’t counted as refugees. Poles don’t blow up buses in Lviv today. Neither do Germans shoot rockets into Czechia. People lost everything, built new lives, and got over it.
That exists, but is an alliance of convenience, not friendship. Christian Antisemitism, failure of assimilation, and escalating persecution was the reason Zionism was established in the first place. Jews had to flee Europe or face extinction. Most had no choice but to go to their ancestral homeland.
I was referring to how this happened in practice. Many Arab Palestinians had fled their homes before the fighting even started. The well off wanted to sit out the war in Beirut, Cairo, and Damascus. Arab radio had called for civilians to evacuate and wait at a safe place for the inevitable Arab victory. Most had left before Operation Nachshon started. Not every village or town was forcibly cleared. The news of one massacre or destroyed village spread fast and people understandably fled. Most villages that were destroyed, were destroyed after the war to prevent the refugees from returning.
Read the original text yourself, instead of relying on misrepresentation after the fact.
You are so incredibly misinformed by only reading one sided narrative.
Here the original UN resolution 181. Page 138 Chapter 3.1
I highly recommend actually reading the UN resolutions and other documents as they are often misrepresented in the media by both sides.
Yes, there’s discrimination in Israel against Arabs. Similar to discrimination against minorities around the world.
More like he sees it as inevitable. The Jews in Palestine were surrounded by numerically superior forces and feared being exterminated. They did what they had to to ensure their own survival.
Peace comes from mutual understanding of the other side.