• Otome-chan
    -21 year ago

    I support protection for all kinds of people, both transsexual and transvestite. What I care about on this topic though is clarity and recognition of individuals, and being able to clearly talk about different demographics. That’s simply impossible to do if you try to use the same word to refer to entirely different kinds of people and different situations.

    How can you speak about homosexuality, if you call straight people “gay” and “homosexual”? it’s impossible!

    You accuse me of transmedicalism, but I’d argue against this accusation. “transmedicalism” is a word that’s used to describe people with a different view, relating to gender identity and gender dysphoria with gender identity disorder, and is unrelated to transsexuals and our issues/needs. many transmedicalists also deny transsexuals exist.

    As long as there’s clarity in speech, and a recognition of my medical condition (transsexualism) without conflation or appropriation, then I’m happy. I don’t mind supporting others with different situations. but I won’t yield and forfeit my ability to speak about myself and my medical situation.

    • Quit_this_instance
      1 year ago

      Fella, you described transgenderism as “pseudoscience” and a “harmful ideology”. You don’t get to go back and try to claim you’re actually totally fine with it and just want everyone to be clear what they mean… Especially not when you still haven’t actually said what you mean. You were very open about your in- and out-groups there.

      This is what I find so baffling. You wear it on your sleeve, but the moment people actually address your big claimed grievance you back away and won’t own it. At least if you’re going to side with the bigots that want you dead, don’t be such a fucking coward about it.