Democrats are awake and acting just how they think we want them to. I can’t tell you how many times in the past month I have heard the phrase “when this all blows over”.
It’s like hiring a housekeeper to do your remodeling. Or more aptly — pest control.
A housekeeper that has in fact been stealing from you, and you only keep hired because the other agency in town steals even more and has weird opinions they won’t shut up about.
Democrats are awake and acting just how they think we want them to. I can’t tell you how many times in the past month I have heard the phrase “when this all blows over”.
It’s like hiring a housekeeper to do your remodeling. Or more aptly — pest control.
A housekeeper that has in fact been stealing from you, and you only keep hired because the other agency in town steals even more and has weird opinions they won’t shut up about.