• Joe B
    01 year ago

    @ppptan @johndroid Reddit and lemmy are hard when you first start l. Eventually you will get muscle memory and it will become second nature. I think people that are on Lemmy and Mastodon are there to escape oppression from the man (Corporate) They all provide a service but people want freedom. Nobody can’t stop you from using Reddit. We just know that the CEO is there for the bottom dollar no matter who gets in the way.

    • ppptan
      71 year ago

      Lemmy is harder to start than reddit because the federated nature of it makes it not just one place. Just because you want to escape the man doesn’t mean you want to have to jump through hoops and read a textbook of documentation to understand things.

      • Joe B
        31 year ago

        @ppptan @johndroid Reddit is hard also even you first start. Everything is hard at the beginning. Lemmy got documentation cause it’s so vast and you can do more. Also it’s something new. I moderate 3 subs and use reddit mastodon and lemmy. I been. On reddit 6 years and hit the frontpage 5 times. I can honestly say that mastodon is easier even though I know reddit in and out. I studied reddit and just got better at it.