Microsoft's first full foray into PC gaming handhelds begins with a partner device set to launch later this year, with its own Xbox Series X|S successors now fully in production.
The ps1 didnt copy the snes. Nintendo contracted Sony to design a CD attachment for the snes, but then nintendo went to Philips and partnered with the CD-i project. Which pissed off sony and they used their experience and infinite resources to design a new system purely in spite. It just turned out being too good.
As for using the “same” sound chip. Are we really suprised that a company who owns a circuit chip manufacturer would use their own chips?
The ps1 didnt copy the snes. Nintendo contracted Sony to design a CD attachment for the snes, but then nintendo went to Philips and partnered with the CD-i project. Which pissed off sony and they used their experience and infinite resources to design a new system purely in spite. It just turned out being too good.
As for using the “same” sound chip. Are we really suprised that a company who owns a circuit chip manufacturer would use their own chips?