“The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust,” he said. “We don’t like the vaccinations, what they have these days. We heard too much, and we saw too much.”
The man’s daughter died. I can’t think of anything worse than that. But still “we don’t trust the vaccine”. How can you possibly break through when even a child dying isn’t enough to convince them? This sucks so much.
I always wonder what else these people do/consume they know nothing about. Smoking? Drinking? Eating factory meat? Going to McDonald’s? Aspirin? Do they check the label what’s in aspirin? These are shitty excuses if you choose to belive some cunt on facebook instead of your doctor.
Systematic and even algorithmic spoon feeding of simplicity to a mind ready to travel the path of least resistance. In short, he is now a meat popsicle.
A child dying is going to make them double down, honestly. At this point they will REALLY refuse to acknowledge that the kids death was 100% their fault since taking accountability is not something these people are willing to do
I almost wonder if it’s the same mechanism as the sunk cost fallacy, where a losing situation is irrationally maintained because of how unpleasant we find loss.
Edit to add: def no disagreement about refusing accountability though, that’s such a pattern with that kind of personality. And not to give them TOO much grace but frankly I’m not sure I myself would act defensibly or even sanely right after losing a child.
I think sunk cost fallacy and religious world views have a lot in common. Both are an investment in time, money, or attention—that could be felt as a total waste if the project or belief is abandoned. With religion it’s often worse because you also lose your community and possibly friends and family depending on how fundamental they are.
At this point, it’s a rationalization, not a belief.
If he changed his mind and thought “maybe I should have gotten her the vaccine” then it means that he directly caused his daughter’s death. If he changes his mind later that maybe vaccines aren’t so bad, that means his stupid, selfish choice caused his daughter’s death.
I don’t know of many people that could handle that realization. So his mind just rejects it out of principle.
At this point, I don’t know if even someone trusted would be able to change his mind. Admitting to being wrong about vaccines means admitting he basically killed their daughter. Horribly sad.
That’s the real reason why he’ll always double down. That sort of realisation can fuck someone up and make them shut down to the idea of it completely.
It’s because he can just make more kids, but distrust in vaccines must remain firm! Wonder if they’ll use the dead daughter’s name again, that’s what my mom’s family did when infants died of scarlet fever and diphtheria back in the day.
The man’s daughter died. I can’t think of anything worse than that. But still “we don’t trust the vaccine”. How can you possibly break through when even a child dying isn’t enough to convince them? This sucks so much.
I always wonder what else these people do/consume they know nothing about. Smoking? Drinking? Eating factory meat? Going to McDonald’s? Aspirin? Do they check the label what’s in aspirin? These are shitty excuses if you choose to belive some cunt on facebook instead of your doctor.
Systematic and even algorithmic spoon feeding of simplicity to a mind ready to travel the path of least resistance. In short, he is now a meat popsicle.
I truly believe they just don’t want to have to go get a needle. They’re working backwards from that premise.
A child dying is going to make them double down, honestly. At this point they will REALLY refuse to acknowledge that the kids death was 100% their fault since taking accountability is not something these people are willing to do
I almost wonder if it’s the same mechanism as the sunk cost fallacy, where a losing situation is irrationally maintained because of how unpleasant we find loss.
Edit to add: def no disagreement about refusing accountability though, that’s such a pattern with that kind of personality. And not to give them TOO much grace but frankly I’m not sure I myself would act defensibly or even sanely right after losing a child.
I think sunk cost fallacy and religious world views have a lot in common. Both are an investment in time, money, or attention—that could be felt as a total waste if the project or belief is abandoned. With religion it’s often worse because you also lose your community and possibly friends and family depending on how fundamental they are.
At this point, it’s a rationalization, not a belief.
If he changed his mind and thought “maybe I should have gotten her the vaccine” then it means that he directly caused his daughter’s death. If he changes his mind later that maybe vaccines aren’t so bad, that means his stupid, selfish choice caused his daughter’s death.
I don’t know of many people that could handle that realization. So his mind just rejects it out of principle.
Well, denial is the first stage of grief. I wonder who the anger stage will be directed at.
You need people whom they trust to start telling them the truth. It doesn’t work if they don’t trust the messenger
My doctor has a point, but Diane, the flatearther also has a point.
At this point, I don’t know if even someone trusted would be able to change his mind. Admitting to being wrong about vaccines means admitting he basically killed their daughter. Horribly sad.
Even Trump was boo’d when he told his flock to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
They voted him back anyway! Couldn’t that be a lesson to this dolt?
The sad thing is that this disgusting fuck isn’t rotting in prison for murdering his own daughter through gross negligence.
That’s the real reason why he’ll always double down. That sort of realisation can fuck someone up and make them shut down to the idea of it completely.
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It’s because he can just make more kids, but distrust in vaccines must remain firm! Wonder if they’ll use the dead daughter’s name again, that’s what my mom’s family did when infants died of scarlet fever and diphtheria back in the day.