Authorities shot a man after they say he fired shots at a Jewish school in Memphis, Tennessee, Monday afternoon.

  • Ashyr
    2 years ago

    There can be more than one problem with our nation at a time.

    We have a gun problem, but we also have a fascist problem. There a different solutions to both, neither of which have to be as hyperbolic as you claim.

    I’m a gun owner myself. I got my first gun when I was 13 and was taught how to properly care for it and use it.

    I enjoy shooting guns as a hobby. I have taken dozens of friends shooting over the years and taught them how to properly enjoy firearms.

    But we as a nation have a gun problem.

    The solution isn’t some wild, absolute ban in all guns. There are plenty of simple, common sense solutions that can move us into a healthier place. There are plenty of loopholes that can be closed, better, mandatory background checks, removing weapons from those who commit domestic violence, cooling off periods, mandatory gun safes, etc…

    I have seen so many wildly irresponsible gun owners on ranges and private property. I’ve seen people walk onto live ranges, loaded weapons pointed at other people, I’ve nearly been shot myself by a dumb kid with a .22.

    When I say we have a gun problem, I don’t want to just strip everyone’s guns away. I want to look at the real problems and work to ensure that the easiest flaws are dealt with.

    If gun safes were mandatory, it could save countless children who die playing with their parents firearms. If domestic abusers had to surrender firearms, countless partners and spouses would still be alive today.

    Don’t want to lose your guns? Don’t beat your wife. It’s not complicated. I don’t trust someone who casually employs violence against loved ones to responsibly use a firearm.

    Mandatory education to even use a firearm, just like a concealed carry, would go a long way to help out. We license people to drive cars, why can’t we expect at least that same, bare minimum for guns? CDs