Are there any official numbers out yet about how well these protests are going? It’s easy to feel like change is happening when you are surrounded by like-minded people. As a USian I have been absolutely shocked by how much apathy and inaction I am surrounded by because “it doesn’t affect me personally”.
I’m certain of one thing, American media is going to downplay and try to hide as much of this as they can from the citizens to pretend everything is perfectly fine, they aren’t going to publish any stats on this or else face the wrath of the Fourth Reich. The average American doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world or politics or anything like that, so this is going to hit like a tidal wave. I’m sadly seeing the same as you, but it hasn’t surprised me, ever since 2016 I’ve come to know that humans have no maximum capacity for ignorance, greed, or hatred.
Are there any official numbers out yet about how well these protests are going? It’s easy to feel like change is happening when you are surrounded by like-minded people. As a USian I have been absolutely shocked by how much apathy and inaction I am surrounded by because “it doesn’t affect me personally”.
Friends who work in retail are constantly getting asked the origin of products now, seems like it’s actually wide spread
I’m certain of one thing, American media is going to downplay and try to hide as much of this as they can from the citizens to pretend everything is perfectly fine, they aren’t going to publish any stats on this or else face the wrath of the Fourth Reich. The average American doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world or politics or anything like that, so this is going to hit like a tidal wave. I’m sadly seeing the same as you, but it hasn’t surprised me, ever since 2016 I’ve come to know that humans have no maximum capacity for ignorance, greed, or hatred.