A slightly too long “Hmmmmm, so it is then” is also acceptable.
Still my favorite MN colloquialism is
Slaps hands down on thighs and stands up
“Whelp Ok then.”
And then without pretense or hubub, leaving the place immediately.
Almost as good as the Irish goodbye which is a massive favorite if mine.
I think that Minnesotans are the only Midwestern people that found a way to circumvent the standard Midwestern 2 hour “goodbye, and I will see you soon.”
Hoosiers haven’t found a way to circumvent that bullshit, AFAICT.
That’s one of the many reasons, though cold weather and snow was absolutely the chief reason, that I now live in San Diego, California.
Well ya know, that can be the case. Close family or social gathering? Yeah, it’s a tiered process inching towards the door and taking 20 minutes to put on a jacket standing in the entryway/mudroom.
Your co-workers dinner party and it’s round 8pm and nobody’s brought out the pie and coffee? “Whelp. I’ll be seeing ya”
A slightly too long “Hmmmmm, so it is then” is also acceptable.
Still my favorite MN colloquialism is Slaps hands down on thighs and stands up “Whelp Ok then.” And then without pretense or hubub, leaving the place immediately.
Almost as good as the Irish goodbye which is a massive favorite if mine.
I think that Minnesotans are the only Midwestern people that found a way to circumvent the standard Midwestern 2 hour “goodbye, and I will see you soon.”
Hoosiers haven’t found a way to circumvent that bullshit, AFAICT.
That’s one of the many reasons, though cold weather and snow was absolutely the chief reason, that I now live in San Diego, California.
that just the preface to the prequel to the forward of the first chapter of the first book of ‘good bye’.
Well ya know, that can be the case. Close family or social gathering? Yeah, it’s a tiered process inching towards the door and taking 20 minutes to put on a jacket standing in the entryway/mudroom.
Your co-workers dinner party and it’s round 8pm and nobody’s brought out the pie and coffee? “Whelp. I’ll be seeing ya”