
Bradley Bartell, a Trump voter from Wisconsin, started a GoFundMe to raise $3,000 for his wife Camila Muñoz’s bond after ICE detained her.

Muñoz, a Peruvian citizen, overstayed her work-study visa due to the pandemic and was seeking legal residency as Bartell’s spouse. She was arrested returning from a honeymoon in Puerto Rico.

Bartell continues to maintain that he does not regret voting for Trump.

Since Trump’s return to office, ICE has arrested over 90,000 immigrants.

  • Helvetica
    11 hours ago

    Bartell, on voting for Trump despite his immigration policies: “He didn’t create the system, but he does have an opportunity to improve it. Hopefully, all this attention will bring to light how broken it is.”

    Sheer delusion. I got news for you chump, Trump doesn’t give a shit about fixing anything. He’s not going to help you. He doesn’t feel gratitude, he doesn’t understand ethics. He already told you he only needed your vote one more time, he got it and now you’re disposable.