Dark energy, the mysterious force thought to be driving the ever-faster expansion of the universe, appears to be changing over time, according to new observations released Wednesday.
Man, I feel like a lot of the science headline writers forget that dark matter and dark energy were only ever placeholders. This doesn’t “rattle our view of the universe”; we already knew that our view was incomplete, hence the need for placeholders in the first place.
but, you know, it helps to moderate the terror of watching publically funded US science getting “fed into the woodchipper”. perhaps it piques more general interest. idk. I am sad.
Man, I feel like a lot of the science headline writers forget that dark matter and dark energy were only ever placeholders. This doesn’t “rattle our view of the universe”; we already knew that our view was incomplete, hence the need for placeholders in the first place.
pop-sci gonna pop-sci
but, you know, it helps to moderate the terror of watching publically funded US science getting “fed into the woodchipper”. perhaps it piques more general interest. idk. I am sad.