This has nothing to do with retirement funds in a stock market.
The issue is entirely one of taxation. You need 2-3 people working for every retired person taking payments from the system. If you have 1:1 you cannot afford to do this which means either a massive die off of the elderly or a growing massive national debt.
No, because the issue is supply based. Changing the currency will never create a larger amount of money coming in than us leaving. Changing your currency also has very bad outcomes for your future ability to obtain loans which are critical for most nations.
This has nothing to do with retirement funds in a stock market.
The issue is entirely one of taxation. You need 2-3 people working for every retired person taking payments from the system. If you have 1:1 you cannot afford to do this which means either a massive die off of the elderly or a growing massive national debt.
Or you reset the currency, like Turkey has done many times before no? You swear off your debts, print new money.
No, because the issue is supply based. Changing the currency will never create a larger amount of money coming in than us leaving. Changing your currency also has very bad outcomes for your future ability to obtain loans which are critical for most nations.