The problem isnt nessecary telsa. Its the american culture. ‘Economical’ cars are looked down unpon. What sells is big trucks, suvs, or luxury cars. Telsa would had no chance of sucess if they didnt atleast appeal to the culture.
Not saying compact EVs cant have some sucess, the chevy bolt and nissan leaf are examples. But the amount sold are a drop in the bucket compared to the model 3…
I’m not American but having been to a few American cities. Boy do they really not give a shit about transportation outside of cars. Things can feel far apart and separated by so many lanes when you step away from the big cities.
The problem isnt nessecary telsa. Its the american culture. ‘Economical’ cars are looked down unpon. What sells is big trucks, suvs, or luxury cars. Telsa would had no chance of sucess if they didnt atleast appeal to the culture.
Not saying compact EVs cant have some sucess, the chevy bolt and nissan leaf are examples. But the amount sold are a drop in the bucket compared to the model 3…
I’m not American but having been to a few American cities. Boy do they really not give a shit about transportation outside of cars. Things can feel far apart and separated by so many lanes when you step away from the big cities.
This is fair.
Ugh, I hate how it’s big cars or nothing here, even in the city.