We've all heard of mum guilt — that combination of shame, regret and self-reproach that can shadow a mother navigating parenthood. But what about dad guilt?
We did a few prenatal classes. That made me feel a bit more prepared. The big ones for me:
How to change a diaper. It isn’t hard, but I had no idea where to start.
How to swaddle a kid. Realistically, I’m not sure it made a difference for our kids, but it made me feel more prepared.
How to install a car seat. I’m pretty sure I still screwed it up, but I felt confident about it.
I can keep a house and I can cook
Then you’re most of the way there.
She’ll probably be physically messed up from the birth, so have a conversation about how work should be split up. Volunteer to cook, clean, and do laundry. If she’s breast feeding (which some women have trouble with) then she may need lots of time parked with the kid.
This part is gonna sound weird, but: don’t expect to fall in love with the baby immediately. Newborns are not like babies on TV - they’re immobile, unaware, and totally dependent. I would have jumped on a grenade for my newborns, but the emotional side didn’t grow on me for a while. That came when they were a few months old and they started to react to the world.
Congratulations, dude. It’s a big change, but it’s something you can handle.
Thanks for the advice. I know I’ll get there but it’s strange how them for someone whose always wanted kids there’s not as much support for men. Classes are great and we’re signing up for them now
We did a few prenatal classes. That made me feel a bit more prepared. The big ones for me:
How to change a diaper. It isn’t hard, but I had no idea where to start.
How to swaddle a kid. Realistically, I’m not sure it made a difference for our kids, but it made me feel more prepared.
How to install a car seat. I’m pretty sure I still screwed it up, but I felt confident about it.
Then you’re most of the way there.
She’ll probably be physically messed up from the birth, so have a conversation about how work should be split up. Volunteer to cook, clean, and do laundry. If she’s breast feeding (which some women have trouble with) then she may need lots of time parked with the kid.
This part is gonna sound weird, but: don’t expect to fall in love with the baby immediately. Newborns are not like babies on TV - they’re immobile, unaware, and totally dependent. I would have jumped on a grenade for my newborns, but the emotional side didn’t grow on me for a while. That came when they were a few months old and they started to react to the world.
Congratulations, dude. It’s a big change, but it’s something you can handle.
Thanks for the advice. I know I’ll get there but it’s strange how them for someone whose always wanted kids there’s not as much support for men. Classes are great and we’re signing up for them now