This deck is a Blue/Green token/counter deck where the end-game is a Doubling Season/Extravagant Replication or Doubling Season with Homunculus Horde combo to produce exponentially more and more tokens/counters. Proft’s along with Crawler are there to generate tokens as is Brisly, while Soul Cauldron is there to make the most of all those tokens. Along with Homunculus Horde or Elfsworn Giant, that’s game. Problem is, lots of the cards in this deck are geared towards getting mana, which leaves not much room for creatures outside of Llanowar Elves or Lumbering Worldwagon. To counter this, lots of these low-cost cards are there to serve as defense while I gather mana, or counter what the opponent tries to play.
I feel like I’m trying to do too much, but this is what I’ve come up with with the cards I have unlocked. Can anyone suggest cards to add/remove from this deck to streamline mana production while not leaving myself vulnerable to early game cards?
- Cogwork Wrestler
- Dive Down
- Fleeting Distraction
- Opt
- Sleep-Cursed Faerie
- Ankle Biter
- Bushwhack
- Llanowar Elves
- Malamet Battle Glyph
- Sunshower Druid
- Deduce
- Don't Make a Sound
- Drake Hatcher
- Essence Scatter
- Fog Bank
- Mischievous Mystic
- Proft's Eidetic Memory
- Stalked Researcher
- Basking Capybara
- Bite Down
- Bristly Bill, Spine Sower
- Druid of the Cowl
- Dwynen's Elite
- Explorer's Cache
- Scavenging Ooze
- Sita Varma, Masked Racer
- Skyserpent Seeker
- Agatha's Soul Cauldron
- Campus Guide
- Swiftfoot Boots
- Unstoppable Plan
- Worldwalker Helm
- Refute
- Blighted Burgeoning
- Imperious Perfect
- Lumbering Worldwagon
- Return from the Wilds
- They Went This Way
- Wildwood Mentor
- Scrawling Crawler
- Homunculus Horde
- Out of Air
- Elfsworn Giant
- Doubling Season
- Extravagant Replication
-Various tap G or B lands plus 6 basic Forest and Islands
This “just in case” attitude is sacrificing your ability to build to your game plan. Just in case what? Ideally, every card in your deck should be “live” in as many situations as possible. Sleep-Cursed Faerie will not do much to defend you early on and is actually bad once you’re set up with Doubling Season. Fog Bank will block a creature, but it’ll never win you the game.
Every card that’s not contributing to what you want to achieve (building counters fast or making lots of tokens) is wasting your draw step. Imagine if you started with Campus Guide, a creature that lets you have a land next turn. Wouldn’t you have been happier with a second Llanowar Elves, which deploys sooner and accelerates mana production? Instead of drawing Unstoppable Plan, you could have drawn one of your four copies of Proft’s Eidetic Memory.
My examples here are overly narrow, but my point is that putting a card in your deck has an opportunity cost: you lose the chance to put a different, more synergistic card in. You want to concentrate the amount of cards in your deck that make you say, “yes, this is just what I wanted”, which is certainly Doubling Season and cards that make tokens or counters. The more of those you have, the fewer draw steps it takes you to find them all. You’ll get to winning sooner.
The first steps to achieve this is to cut down to 60 cards and make sure your most important cards are 4-of each.
Swiftfoot Boots protects only one creature. If you’re a doubling token deck, you’ll have way more than one creature to protect. Negate would probably do a better job in that case.
Having irrelevant cards is also one of your deck’s weaknesses. Your opponents will be happy to see you spend your turn doing nothing because the card you drew doesn’t do anything with Doubling Season.
I highly recommend it. The only card I know of in standard that can really fuse the two strategies is Insidious Roots, which would require you to ditch blue for black.
Again, try the nine-card deck exercise. It’ll get you to think about what role each card in your deck plays.
@silverchase @SecretSauces I support a lot of these points! Many of the just-in-case cards belong in the sideboard. Focus on making your own deck do its thing as efficiently as possible, and then bring cards back in from the sideboard to counter the opponent’s plan after you’ve play tested it and know how the deck plays against the metagame.
What gives you the the most explosive start? Play that. Unless you’re a hard control deck, most of your cards should have 2x-4x copies