Yea, this for me as well. When season 3 started I felt the writing was off and kinda fell off for a while thinking I’d catch up later. Once I finally got around to it, the Arrow subreddit had completely morphed into a Daredevil sub as some kind of protest to just how bad it had gotten so I just never went back.
Goddamn Felicity in Arrow pissed me off. That show grew to have a lot of problems, but she was an especially terrible part of it.
That reminds me of all the Olibur memes.
Once I figured out the plot to every season I stopped watching.
A lies to B to protect them. Something happens to B because they didn’t know the truth. Truth comes out anyway. Reconciliation. Rinse. Repeat.
Smallville did what?
Yea, this for me as well. When season 3 started I felt the writing was off and kinda fell off for a while thinking I’d catch up later. Once I finally got around to it, the Arrow subreddit had completely morphed into a Daredevil sub as some kind of protest to just how bad it had gotten so I just never went back.
Season 4 or something when it turned into
DawsonFelicitys Creek with masks is when I jumped ship to the rest of the Arrowverse.