My feed has been flooded with posts about the Sync app released for Android, with a lot of hype but also some complaints regarding pricing, ads, privacy, etc.

This made me really appreciate Memmy, with which I have had no issues so far, and am impressed with how clean and easy it has been to use despite being new.

So that’s all, just a huge thank you.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Are you sure it’s the app and not websites you visit through Lemmy or your instance tracking you? I’m not seeing any tracking on my end when just browsing.

      • SeanM
        411 months ago

        Device ID is just for push notifications.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        This was explained by the dev at some point when the app went to the store. I believe this is related to push notifications. There is a post about it/comment by the developer but is giving me server errors when I try to find it.

        Not sure where the appcenter tracker is coming from though.