American Militia Members. Where the hell are you? THIS is what you exist for and you are doing NOTHING!
Edit: I’ve only heard “defense against tyranny” as justification for these militias by these militia
American Militia Members. Where the hell are you? THIS is what you exist for and you are doing NOTHING!
Edit: I’ve only heard “defense against tyranny” as justification for these militias by these militia
If you expect your enemies to die fighting for your beliefs while you sip a latte and post memes then you’re unfathomably fucking stupid. Right wingers care about stopping communism. Guess whose job it is to stop fascism?
Everybody else? Its not the communists, its literally every shade of political direction
I think you misunderstood the point.
Everytime I’ve seen someone an American militia discussing its purpose, defending against a tyrannical government is overwhelmingly given as the reason, from what I’ve seen when they are being interviewed.
It appears to me, who is not an american, that there is no other possible explanation for what’s happening in that country right now. Like it’s not even a debatable fact from what I’m seeing. The Dems bend over backwards and support this regime seemingly everytime they have the chance to opposite it, CR resolution as but one recent example.
So if both parties are in cahoots, and these militia are by their own words the check to this exact situation, why are they not acting? They didn’t have to start with guns blazing, but I’m not seeing it hearing them in any way doing the thing they say they exist to do m
So as my post mentioned, I directed my question to those members for someone to respond. I haven’t seen any comments here that claim to be from militia members.
It’s not my flight as i don’t live there. I’m not at all claiming what you said and this is a disingenuous argument that tells me you didn’t understand my question.
Your fundamental misunderstanding is that “militia” is a euphemism for “right wing domestic terrorist organization”. You won’t find them on Lemmy. There are a few small armed leftist organizations, but they wouldn’t call themselves militias and their mission is defending their communities. They understand that our government has always been tyrannical and a few guys with guns will just get themselves killed.
Don’t believe right wingers. (You can be forgiven for not knowing these were fringe right wing idiots. Media coverage tends to obscure that part.) They say they’re against government tyranny, but really they just hate brown people. (They meant the “tyranny” of having to sit at the same lunch counter as [slurs].) They love what is going on now.
I’m simply using the terms as that are used. My understanding of the word is more or less the same as this:
In the US we call that the National Guard. The state governor controls them. In no way are they for this sort of situation though.
I don’t care what the dictionary says. I’m telling you what every American means when they say “militia”: crazy fringe conspiracy theorists who spend a lot of time discussing “the Jew problem”.
I think I see the issue. There is no real official militia. Those who call themselves militias here are white power, neo nazi, or the like. They are very much in favor of everything going on right now because it affects “those people” the most.
Then we have those who are armed individuals. Statistically, last I looked, the majority of firearms are owned by right leaning individuals.
There are those of us that are pissed off about everything, or left leaning, but we have no real means to get together and coordinate any type of uprising. Dig through my comments and you’ll get a good rundown of why.
The best we can hope, those of us that are against all this shit, is arm and defend our own as best we can. That is really more for crazed right side folks who see some reason to start being stupid. Which has happened here and there already, or attempted to. We’re not talking door to door, but groups that have planned raids on peaceful protests, or have shown up in hopes of provoking a peaceful protest into a riot of some sort.
Because they don’t believe the rules they impose on everyone else should apply to themselves. They are shameless hypocrites.
Why are foreigners who I don’t understand not behaving the way I expect them to?
The two parties being in cahoots is a minority opinion and in my view little better than a conspiracy theory. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump twice, filed felony charges against him four separate times, and put a bunch of his cronies in prison. They are limited in the actions they can realistically take against him not only by a longstanding commitment to the rule of law but also by the political reality that he has a lot of supporters and they need to choose their battles carefully. It’s frustrating to watch from the outside but I doubt any of us could do much better if we were in their shoes.
Militia members, being overwhelmingly right-wingers, care much more about some specific freedoms than they do about others, and those priorities are going to be different from yours. Also, as right-wingers, they naturally care much more about the freedom of themselves, their families, and their communities and allies than they do about the freedom of their enemies and people they don’t know and have little in common with. They also have different ideas about what sort of government overreach constitutes a threat to America than you do, and are naturally going to be more forgiving of it when it occurs as part of advancing their values and priorities or fighting against their enemies.
And finally, you knew damn well that you weren’t going to get any responses from right-wing militia members by posting on, this was never intended as anything other than a circlejerk post and you’re not fooling anybody.
Get out of here with your sensical rational thoughts
Maybe because ita batshit crazy and no one outside of america can seemingly figure out what the fuck is happening right now.
They picked a fight and are threatening the soveriegnty of CANADA! Their biggest and oldest bestie!.
Its bat shit crazy!
Yes, on that part at least we can agree, Trump is a fucking lunatic.