Call of Duty now shows you when a cheater has been booted right in the kill feed::Activision will let everyone know when a Call of Duty cheater has been booted from a lobby. It’s the latest in a multi-year crackdown on cheaters.

  • @Immersive_Matthew
    911 months ago

    Is there a video of that online that you can recommend/validate was how it was. Love to see it.

    • @[email protected]
      1511 months ago

      It was removed from the game already, but here’s the Wiki page that shows how it worked. There are pictures of the claw, and the player becoming a robot.

      Cheaters would also be teleported to a “prison island” where regular players could vote for ways to punish them, with several different animations for each punitive action. Mind you, this is all cosmetic and for the remaining players, because the account itself would receive the official bans regardless of the vote.

      • @Immersive_Matthew
        111 months ago

        The claw looks awesome. That must have been satisfying to watch. Thanks for sharing. Kinda want to implement something like this in my VR theme park down the line.