• baker
    1 year ago

    Nothing of value was lost.

    Is that your position based on the actual content over there, or is that just a reaction to an instance (any instance) defederating? Because that would feel like a pessimistic carryover attitude from reddit.

    Lemmy isn’t reddit. Everyone, including mods who have been doing this for more than the past week, is adjusting to the reddit migration & inpouring of users who expect it to function the same as reddit, and may be frustrated that it doesn’t. /edit

    I don’t quite vibe with the comments in the thread that seem to say Beehaw’s four mods should have had server structure and manpower “long before now” just because the instance has been around for 18mos. That’s a stupidly brief period to try and evaluate through the lens of a flood of new users.

    I’m not sure I blame anybody who wants to hit the panic button this week. None of us know what the traffic in any instance will look like in another seven days.


    And the announcement is hardly a novel.

    • DarkwingDuck
      1 year ago

      Nothing of value was lost.

      Is that your position based on the actual content over there, or is that just a reaction to an instance (any instance) defederating?

      I take that to mean “mingling with the minds of those who are ok with such an action is not worthwhile anyway”.

      Then again, the original comment is deleted by creator, so what do I know. Looks like the entire account is gone, dude left.

      • baker
        1 year ago

        Oh? No surprise I guess. But I took that to be their meaning, yeah lol.

        I was nearing the end of my rope that day with reddit evacuees, 48 hours into their acquaintance with Lemmy and dropping reactionary snark at the Beehaw thing instead of listening and learning about what the Fediverse is.

        The Beehaw threads felt like they disproportionately full of day-old accounts saying “good riddance,” and I was annoyed.

        • DarkwingDuck
          11 year ago

          Well here’s an account equal to yours in age saying good riddance.

          • baker
            1 year ago

            I think you may be misunderstanding me, edit: or I may be misunderstanding you, but if you’re actually that juiced up about the Beehaw mods then I won’t get in your way :)

            • DarkwingDuck
              01 year ago

              Ideally the community of instances would take action against beehaw and defederate them en masse, strengthening the wall they decided to erect. Until they write up an apology letter.

              But hey, that ain’t gonna happen.

              I’m not juiced up, I’m just watching the drama, and honestly, this is nothing unexpected. The type of people who like to suppress any deviation from the party line just can’t act otherwise.

              I need more popcorn.