• @[email protected]
    4311 months ago

    Ok, so what’s everyone’s honest opinion about the app? I’ve used it once or twice before switching to rif and never used anything else. My wife has been using the official app and says it’s “fine”. I switched to lemmy after the API fiasco, so I really have no idea how it functions these days. Is it really that dogshit or are people like me just mad?

    • @[email protected]
      3611 months ago

      Put it like this. I was so mad about losing Sync that I downloaded the reddit app just to give it a 1 star review and then delete it.

      When I downloaded the official reddit app, I found that I had already given it a 1 star review a year or two before this whole situation.

      The official app is and has always been garbage.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Drinking water is fine, just like the Reddit app is fine. Wait until you try coffee, mango lassi, milk and all the other beverages available.

      Actually no, the Reddit app is actively assaulting you with ads and BS notifications, so it’s more like dirty water and it certainly isn’t fine once you’ve tried clean water. However, I still really like mango lassi, but too bad Reddit chopped down all the mango trees.

    • 1bluepixel
      2011 months ago

      The more I use Lemmy apps (favorite is Infinity), the more I realize what an awful experience the official Reddit app is. It’s so sluggish in a subtle way, it makes me tired to scroll. Plus, there’s tons of clutter, nothing is where it should be (e.g. r/all is at the very bottom of the left slider menu), and the app behaves in weird little ways (e.g. if you unmute a video, all your videos are now unmuted even if they’re autoplaying in the feed).

      Biggest offender is the ads. All over the feed and comments, created on purpose to blend in so you don’t immediately realize you’re being advertised to. But other than that, the official Reddit app is enshittification by a thousand little shitty design decisions.

    • @[email protected]
      1311 months ago

      The video player rarely works properly, ads are pretty egregious, it’s hard to navigate with so much stuff bloating the UX, there are literal NFTs, and the app is generally much slower in general. And that’s just the app itself.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I patched it using revanced manager to remove ads. But it’s a buggy mess. The only good “feature” is inline image comments.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      Fine is a good description of it. I used to use it and it was fine, not excellent not horrible, just fine. Then after quite some time I looked into 3th party apps, mostly because I got tiered of how all ads became more and more disguised as normal posts.

      I liked Infinity so I stuck with that for some time. Then I switched back to the official one as reading posts on the browser from mobil got worse and worse and I couldn’t open the links in Infinity. The official app was ones again fine, a lot worse then Infinity but it was fine.

      Then I figured out that you can make Infinity open reddit links and I switched back to Infinity again.

      Then Reddit did what it did and now I use RedReader to read some communities that didn’t move.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I guess your wife is also using Windows and a web browser without ad blocker. People get used to having ads and messages thrown in their face constantly.

      But once you try Lemmy, you see how nice things can be.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        It’s funny how if you browse lemmy, you might be under the impression that Linux is some huge portion of the market share of OS’s.

        You know, rather than the reality which is less than 3% of users due to most people just wanting an OS that works without having to have a CS degree.

        • @[email protected]
          -411 months ago

          Since when do you need CS degree to use Linux? Oh that’s right, you don’t. You just have to actually give a shit about what you personally want, and not what big corporations want you to think.

          • Fushuan [he/him]
            1111 months ago

            You just have to actually give a shit about what you personally want, and not what big corporations want you to think.

            Cool, you won’t convince anyone like that.

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              There’s no need to convince anyone. Anyone who wants to be there is there.

              If you have to convince them to come in then you end up getting stuck with supporting them.

              It’s like the Reddit to Lemmy conversion. If people are going to consider the unknown and impassable barrier entry, they’re probably better off where they were at.

              • Fushuan [he/him]
                311 months ago

                I get it, but then the other dude is just being an asshole, belittling people that find hard the transition.

                Either they suck at presenting a good argument about their platform or they are just an asshole that belittles other who find it hard to use their platform. I prefer to think the first one although I know that chances of the second are higher.

    • Acid
      511 months ago

      I think it’s a huge battery drain compared to all the alternatives, liftoff for example with Lemmy despite using it just as much as I did the official app in testing consumed less than half the battery life. Apollo also consumed about half of the official Reddit app while using Reddit so I dunno.

      Also the constant promoted posts are just horrible to deal with.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      For me the worse thing is that you are browsing your front page and they add posts from other subs, ads, etc, so at the end it feels you are browsing all. Maybe for some that is not a big deal, but for me it is.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      It sucks to use for one reason. The comment chains are difficult to look at since they’re not colored (I used Reddit’s app months ago so it might have changed).

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I was fine with the official app until my main feed got filled with junk from places I didn’t want follow or want to follow. Once I switched to a third party app I saw how cluttered the offical app looked and never wanted to switch back.