After his record setting kickstarter, I read The Final Empire… boy I didn’t realize that my reading list was going to be overtaken by Sanderson books for the next 18 months as a caught up on the Cosmere stories. I’ve only got a couple more and then I can finally read some other authors! XD

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Currently reading Oathbringer. I’m more of a sci-fi girl but I do somehow find myself brought in by his fantasy stuff. I’ll have to check out more

    • @doylioOP
      21 year ago

      I normally read sci-fi too. Loved the Three Body Problem, and I want to check out Greg Egan. Any sci-fi recommendations?

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        For classics I loved The Day of the Triffids, Planet of the Apes was pretty good too. Slaughterhouse Five was an absolute all-time classic. For modern stuff The Expanse series was absolutely awesome if you haven’t picked that up yet.