So I’m just getting started, and have ordered a corne kit from, and nice!nanos, hoping to make it wireless.

As far as I can tell, the board doesn’t seem to be modified to have pads for the battery or a power switch or anything. I’m pretty sure that’s fine and the current draw when it’s not is use is low enough that it’ll still last a while, and I can just solder the battery straight to the nice!nano, but is that right?

Also, I’d quite like to use the nice!view, but from what I can see there isn’t space for that on the corne, only a 4-pin header for an OLED screen. Is there a way to use the nice!view?

Do you have any other advice for a wireless corne? I saw someone mention not to plug the TRRS in, or it fries the battery. Is there anything else I should be mindful of that I might not know?

(Also, first lemmy post!)

  • kukkurovaca
    1 year ago

    If you’re mainly using the board in one place, a battery switch isn’t ultra critical, although it is a very good to have. If you plan to take the board anywhere, it’s more of a must-have, because there’s no way to put it to sleep such that carrying it in your bag won’t wake it back up