This may be off-topic, but please be kind.

I’m moving back to Ontario this month from the UK and will want to buy a mid-range TV (50" or so). Where do people go these days? There must be alternatives to Best Buy.

  • mister_newbie
    2 years ago

    If you want a warranty: Costco

    If you want cheap: Refurbished from Factory Direct (GTA)

    If you want surprisingly decent for the money: Amazon house brand TVs (Omni) - if you’re willing to deal with a US package forwarder (e.g., shippsy, cross border pickups, etc.), order one from for a real good deal

    If you live outside a major hub: Amazon, Visions, Best buy, Costco online

    For audio, use PartsExpress (American) and get some of the Dayton Audio kit, plus a receiver from one of the online sources.