• @wildbus8979
    1 year ago

    You can not be pro CPP and still question western propaganda, crazy huh? 🤷

    I think the Arab League probably knows better than some fucking fascist and a weird ass cult. But you believe what you want… Not to say that I think things aren’t complex in the region, but I think the west purposefully misrepresents the reality.

    I enjoyed watching Naomi «Sexy Cyborg» Wu’s videos in Xinjiang, her girlfriend is Uighur and they seemed to have no issues walking around.



    • catsarebadpeople
      31 year ago

      Yep, you can be both. I’m both. It’s just that you seem really interested in trying to make people believe there’s nothing going on with the Uighurs in China… No matter how many propaganda videos you post there is much more evidence to the contrary.

      You shouldn’t trust western media fully either but if you’re fully buying that China isn’t doing anything wrong then you’re either very gullible or arguing in bad faith.