• @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I really don’t understand how that threat makes someone want to play ball and open it back up. Wasn’t the point to hurt Reddit? Wouldn’t a mod team departure cause a bit of a ruckus? Seems extra silly to protest and then back down when your mod rights are at risk…

    • Tyrannosauralisk
      131 year ago

      I mean, if I were the mods in question I’d do one of two things:

      1. Riot. See if we can get goatse on the front page in the 30min before the sub gets locked. I’d get purged and replaced, the sub will be reopened without me but whatever - cause the biggest mess possible on the way out.

      2. Quiet rebellion. Stop removing spam and disable some key automod settings. “Sorry guys, turbulent times, you know?” Allow low effort memes. Delete the occasional important post for BS “rulebreaking”. Over the next couple months you can probably destroy the sub.

      • @Frz
        61 year ago

        AnarchyChess decided to get a picture of a deranged horsey to the top of r/all before closing indefinitely. It was hilarious.

    • iAmTheTot
      81 year ago

      Mods don’t wanna lose the “power” they have. Makes them feel important. In other words, they’re cowards.