This was a really hard decision for me but I purged all my posts, votes and comments via Shreddit. I then deleted all my accounts. I’ve been on Reddit since it was just a baby website. I love Reddit, the friends and the communities I was involved in changed my life for the better.

We’ll see how it goes but the only way we are going to win this fight is to walk away from Reddit. We have to send a message to them and the only way to do that is to hit them where it really hurts, right in the wallet.

Change is a good thing and I am ready to embrace it. I’m all in on kbin now. Let’s see where we go from here 🍻

  • Tyrannosauralisk
    1 year ago

    Honestly it kinda just looks like server issues to me with the delete request getting dropped before completion or something, but still showing correctly client-side until re-loaded.

    That said, I’ve edited all my comments to gibberish and left them up in that state. I’ll check and see if any are back in a week or two.

    EDIT: I take it back, it’s not server issues.
    EDIT2: It seems like comments in private subs didn’t properly save the edits.

    • Brianala
      11 year ago

      I deleted a bunch of my posts and comments manually earlier this week (did not use any tools, just clicked edit > delete) and now all of those posts and comments are back. The posts showed as gone for several days between. This isn’t a server error.