• @[email protected]
      -711 months ago

      And when you start banning speech arbitrarily to “protect people” you are creating the mechanisms by which government can prevent “speaking truth to power”.

      For example look at the pandemic and the “truth” fact-checks by the big social media companies. Sure nobody cares now because they were censoring anti-vax loonies but next think you know there’s a popular leftist movement and it’s designated as dangerous and censored by force across the internet- using same mechanisms built during COVID.

      We cannot give an inch to the government. Every overstep is power they will never give up willingly again.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        I’m unsure what your point is. Are you talking about social media companies, or are you talking about the government? Because free speech is about censorship from the government, not private corporations

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Federal government pressured social media companies to do this. It was all in the name of fighting misinformation. Which again - is fine now but it doesn’t take much imagination to see how this can go wrong should the wrong person be elected.

          Large monopolistic companies are in many ways extensions of the state.

      • @[email protected]
        1211 months ago

        See now, words have meanings. Most words aren’t open to your feelings.



        When you’re ready to actually discuss this like a normal person instead of a troll, please let me know.