The disapproval of Elon Musk is the top reason Tesla Model 3 owners are selling their electric vehicles and going for another brand, according to a new survey of 5,000 Model 3 owners.

  • @Aurenkin
    31 year ago

    If liking the CEO of a company is a prerequisite for using the product… guess I’d better become a hermit.

      • @Aurenkin
        01 year ago

        I don’t see what difference that makes. Elon is a cunt, so that makes it better for me to give my money to another company who’d rather see the world burn than change their core business? Doesn’t track for me but maybe I’m missing something.

    • SpaceBar
      61 year ago

      Seriously. The only difference between Tesla and every other car company is that Musk is vocal.

      If you think other CEOs aren’t just as big POSs as Musk, you’re delusional.

      • downpunxx
        -11 year ago

        way to avoid responsibility in your choices, you selfish stupid horror show

    • downpunxx
      -11 year ago

      take some responsibility in your choices, you horror show

      • @Aurenkin
        21 year ago

        I know, I’m monster. I bought a box of biscuits the other day without even recognising which company it was from. Who knows what kind of nasty shit whoever’s at the top of that mud heap believes.

        • downpunxx
          -11 year ago

          once you do know and choose to ignore, it’s at that point you become the asshole

          • @Aurenkin
            1 year ago

            I’m making light but I guess I don’t really see what difference it actually makes. I vote for inclusive policies and try and model inclusive behaviour as much as I can day to day. Surely that makes more of a difference than giving my money to some other company who’s CEO is probably just as shit. I could be wrong though.

            EDIT: Also I disagree on your take on knowing vs not knowing. If you’re going to hold the belief that you should only buy products from companies with nice CEOs I think you should have the courage to follow your conviction through. Surely not knowing or bothering to research and buying a product anyway would be almost as bad, there’s a good chance you’ll buy quite a few products from assholes otherwise.