I don’t know if it’s because I grew up in a different time period or whether my sense of humor is just misaligned, or if it’s just that I don’t have the background necessary, but I don’t understand shit.

I don’t get any of the jokes, some are just completely undecipherable, and some comics just leave me feeling stupid as hell.

How do you guys understand any of this? What do the user demographics of this community look like?

Is this a government psyop? Are these comics evidence trails to hire super smart cryptography detectives like Cicada 3301? Are they memetic triggers for activating sleeper agents? To be honest I think I’d feel better if it was.

  • @sbv
    2910 months ago

    I’m pretty sure they’re like Monty Python: they were of their time, and they informed the humour that followed them.

    As an example: the stereotype of the middle aged woman in horn-rimmed glasses and a frumpy dress doesn’t reasonable anymore. Nor do her house parties and concerns about her neighbours. But she was basically my grandmother.

    Similarly, a bunch of the animated movies featuring anthropomorphic animals in the 2000s look a lot like Far Side. The animals are doing human-like things in a human-like society.

    Or, comrade, they’re activating long dormant Soviet sleeper cells.

    • @InfiniteStruggleOP
      510 months ago

      So dated, basically. And yeah, I remember some animated movies that you speak of. I don’t remember the names, but I remember one with a bunch of chickens trying to escape their industrial chicken farm and another one that had a cow as the main character.

        • @InfiniteStruggleOP
          410 months ago

          Yes that exactly. The animation style spooked me so I could only watch this when someone else was in the room. I’d follow them out whenever they left and continue watching only when we invariably made our way back to the room with the TV.

          • LegendofDragoon
            1110 months ago

            Barnyard for the second, with a notably transgender main character, who portrays themselves as a bull, but bulls don’t have udders