• enkers
    -810 months ago

    Yes, I’m in 100% agreement, I wish we could treat people how they treat animals.

    Based. Stick cattle farmers in feedlots when they’re 4 and slaughter them at 8. Macerate all the male chicken farmers.

    • aeternum
      10 months ago

      eh, dairy cows are slaughtered at 4-6, and they’re the oldest animals to be slaughtered. Most animals are MONTHS or WEEKS old. not years.

      Also, male chicks are macerated (mashed up alive) at just one to two hours old, because they’re “useless”. THey won’t ever lay eggs, and they won’t grow big enough to be worth it for meat chickens, so they’re mashed up alive at a few hours. This is what you support when you support animal ag.

      • enkers
        10 months ago

        Yeup. IIRC, cattle are generally killed for their flesh from 1-2 years old, or about 5-10% of their natural lifespan. I was just saying 4-8 years for humans to be a more relatable comparison.