It’s easy enough to look at https://[instance]/instances and see which instances a particular instance has blocked.

But in the cases where an instance hasn’t completely blocked another instance but has blocked specific communities on other instances…where can I see/find that?

So far, I’ve found that reading and parsing the modlog will reveal that if you are willing to search for it manually, but is that the only way?

  • @krayjOP
    211 months ago

    I don’t know how they are doing it. In fact, until today I didn’t even know it was possible. I always thought federation and instance blocking was all or nothing.

    Have a look at the modlog and search for “piracy” (might have to scroll through a few pages to find it at this point) and you can see where the community is blocked.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Huh, it looks like there’s an option to “remove community”. I didn’t know this is what it did. Good to know!