First of all, let’s try to avoid American-bashing, and stay respectful to everyone.

I’ll start: for me it’s the tipping culture. Especially nowadays, with the recent post on [email protected] with the 40% tip, it just seems so weird to me to have to pay extra just so that menu prices can stay low.

  • blackberries33
    2 years ago

    Have you spent time in rural or poor areas or the US? Try eating the local food. It’s not good. As an american who moved abroad, I can say american food is just shockingly low quality. High fat and/or high sugar, lots of highly processed food. Very common attitude that “I have never and will never like vegetables”. I mean I’d expect some people live off a diet like sugary cereal, soda, milk, wonder bread, mac and cheese, mayo, ground beef, eggs, candy, fries, pizza, etc. Keep in mind the most common vegetable that americans eat is the potato.

    That being said, it is absolutely not the individuals fault for being obese. I’m convinced there are effects that are hormonal, chemical polutants, or epigenetics that push the population to being fatter. The lack of education, and knowledge of how people live in other parts of the world does not help either.