• ThunderingJerboa
      -411 months ago

      We are talking about youtube where “Drama” is a major motivator and can easily be a way to increase your gain of subs/views. I don’t disagree with many points of GN’s report but I do find the opening a bit peculiar with the whole labs tour statement where Linus does say that was a pretty bad thing for that employee (I think Tim) to say. We just have to remember these kind of feedback loops aren’t that uncommon to see. I have seen similar things with James Stephanie Sterling (Jimquisition) and other youtubers where ragebait/drama posts become a core part of channel and its just an endless war path. Like its no secret GN’s highest rated videos are typically around these kind of topics (Exploding PSUs, Asus stuff, Artesian Builds, Newegg). We shouldn’t blindly follow what gamer nexus has stated since its pretty clearly painted in a very specific light, this isn’t to say disregard everything he said but we shouldn’t act like he is merely a passive observer who is telling everything as it is. There is a clear motive for this kind of thing, right now its clear we are at the everyone has an axe to grind stage of this drama before things settle back down or this could be a full collapse. Who knows but right now I think discussion on this topic will clearly lean heavily on only one direction and any opposition to it will be seen as fanboying.

    • @oldlamps
      -1411 months ago

      He’s on the offense, it’s a strategy. What’s his endgame, what are his motives? We’re hearing a lot of one side of the story. I’m naturally suspicious, and need way more information than everyone seems happy to run with.

      • @[email protected]
        2011 months ago

        Yea, it really does sound like you’re taking crazy pills. It’s not a movie, not everyone that critiques someone you like does it as part of their grand plan of world domination. There is a very simple explanation of his motives: he’s a journalist and he’s doing his job, like he always did. Trying to assign some neferious motives to, out of all people, Steve Burke, who has shown nothing but complete integrity in the past, is just absolutely ridiculous.