The article points out that this republican politician and businessman, Cory Tomczyk, is suing a non-profit news site for reporting on his use of the slur towards a 13 year old boy. Although he lost his suit, he is appealing the decision. This suit has already cost the news site $150k.

How do these lawsuits not fall under SLAPP laws?

  • Kftrendy
    2 years ago

    From the article:

    In a deposition submitted by a lawyer for the news site, Tomczyk is quoted as saying, “I have a brother who is a gay guy, and I’ve certainly out of joking and out of spite called him a ‘f****t’ more than once.”

    Zoom, enhance:

    and out of spite

    Out of spite? You’ve called someone a slur - the specific slur in question, in fact - out of spite, multiple times, and yet you’re claiming this specific time you’ve been defamed? What’s the defamation? Did they falsely imply that you were at a 10/10 on the homophobia scale at the meeting while in fact you were only at a 9/10 that day?