Hello everyone! I really want to get into the jrpg genre but I have no idea which game would be good for a beginner. I have played persona 5 and I really enjoyed it. Any recommendations would be really appreciated!

  • @Neslom
    51 year ago

    I have absolutely loved both of the Octopath traveller games. Bravely Default II is also similar and similarly great.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      These are great games, but I don’t know if I’d recommend them to beginners into the world of JRPGs. Their primary draw, for me at least, is the complexity of their battle systems. It’s a lot to take in if you’re new to the genre. I could be monstrously wrong though, heh

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        My biggest issue with Octopath was the grind. Maybe I was playing “wrong”, but I hit a point fairly early on where I wasn’t high enough level to continue the story. I was sort of stuck in an in-between spot where I could win fights but get trivial amounts of xp, or die every other encounter.

        The story had me hooked, I love the visual style, and I liked the combat system… But the grind destroyed me.