I cycle quite a bit (500-1000km / month), but my recreational routes have all been near areas where I know I’ll have access to public toilets and clean drinking water.

I’d love to venture out onto more rural roads and areas, way outside of areas that might normally have toilet access, but that’s quite literally the only thing holding me back from doing so.

What are your strategies? Piss by the side of the road and hope nobody sees you? Squat out in a heavily forested area and risk ticks?

This is not a topic that ever gets talked about with cycle tourists, endurance riders, and other long-distance cyclists, so I’d love to know how to approach this!

    • @[email protected]OP
      410 months ago

      Someone’s house is like 30 feet behind there! haha

      So many properties are lined along these rural roads, so you’re always too close to someone’s home/land/bushes, etc.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        I’d keep an eye out for abandoned houses. They seem to be everywhere around the Iowa countryside at least. Just watch out for trail cams lol you can usually spot them with your phone camera

        • @[email protected]OP
          310 months ago

          That’s an unusual, out-of-the-box idea! Not sure if I’d ever do that, personally, but options are options!

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        310 months ago

        Meh, for pee, if it’s adjacent to a path, I’d just go for it. Maybe go around the corner if there’s better privacy there.

        For poop, find somewhere with dirt and try to bury it somewhat. But ideally go before you leave home and you should be good all day.