Its even worse when you force Firefox to use wayland its icon doesn’t even show.

Edit: Oh since everyone now is confused; I only have the flatpak version of Firefox installed yet it doesn’t use the pinned icon and doesn’t even use the firefox icon under wayland at all.

  • darcy
    310 months ago

    the only reason to use flatpaks is if your system doesnt come with a good package manager and repositories (pacman+aur, nix, etc), and dont want to build from source.

    snaps, on the other hand, should be avoided at all costs imo.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      Or if the repos contain outdated versions of the software. And yes, snaps are cancer, still cannot avoid them. 🥲

      • darcy
        -110 months ago

        true. i kinda meant ‘good (package managers and repos)’

      410 months ago

      Could you elaborate on snaps? I’ve used them here and there and people seem to have really strong opinions on snap that I just don’t understand.

      • @[email protected]
        1610 months ago

        Tied to proprieatry backend, snap store looks like ass and runs like one, spawns loop devices that mess up the /mnt folder, tied to fake .deb packages that install snaps instead. Basically, a lot of proprieatry nonsense that St. Ignucius frowns upon.

        • @ASK_ME_ABOUT_LOOM
          510 months ago

          Yikes! I’m going to have to do more reading, I guess. My experience with snap is exclusively limited to installing certbot on RHEL.