Influencers are disgusted with Amazon’s paltry $25-per-video endorsement offer | It looks like full-time Amazon UCG creators are getting a 90-percent cut in pay::undefined

  • @[email protected]
    -311 months ago

    It’s labor that a company finds value in, ergo it exists whether you find it annoying or not. Just like telemarketing or insurance. What the issue is, is the simping for the company being able to pay dogshit for the service or not.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      Nobody here is simping for Amazon no matter how many times you say it. We just don’t have any sympathy for influencers who contribute nothing to society.

      • @[email protected]
        -211 months ago

        you can say “i don’t like these people, but people shouldn’t be taken advantage of in the labor market” if you like, that wouldn’t be simping for amazon. simping for amazon is saying “lol good i hope they all get paid nothing because i find them personally annoying”

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          That’s not simping for Amazon. Simping would involve saying something pro Amazon, no one is doing that.

          You’re right, no one should be taken advantage of, and if a job isn’t worth paying a livable wage for, it’s not a job that should exist. It seems like everyone agrees “influencer” isn’t a job that should exist.

          Influencers don’t work for Amazon, they’re free to try peddling their nonsense somewhere else. But it turns out they don’t actually provide a valuable service to anyone, so no one wants to buy it.

          • @[email protected]
            011 months ago

            Writers don’t work for netflix, they are free to try peddling their nonsense somewhere else. But it turns out they don’t actually provide a valuable service to anyone, so no one wants to buy it.

            Postal workers don’t work for delivery companies, they are free to try peddling their nonsense somewhere else, but it turns out they don’t actually provide a valuable service to anyone, so no one wants to buy it.

            Do you see how you sound now? Just admit that you don’t think some people should have a livable wage because you think their job is annoying. Oh no, not for those people, I don’t like them.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Writers don’t work for netflix, they are free to try peddling their nonsense somewhere else.

              Yeah, they can sell their work to one of the networks, or Disney, or any of the other dozens of production companies that exist. But if no one wants to buy it, that writer may need to find another job. Or they can band together and strike like they’re doing right now. Something tells me no one would notice or care if all the influencers went on strike together.

              Postal workers don’t work for delivery companies

              They do though. Postal workers are directly employed by USPS. And UPS and FedEx drivers work for those companies. Also, people are willing to pay to have their packages delivered to them. There was an article within like the last month about how high the starting salary was for UPS delivery drivers. Because, apparently there is demand for the service they provide.

              You’re going to need better examples if you want to convince anyone that influencers are worth having around.