• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Ironic that you mentioned comics since you’re the one living in a world with imaginary things that don’t exist.

    I’m done trying to reason with someone who thinks woo woo spirit universe whatever the fuck impulsive whims should be the guiding principle of humanity.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 months ago

      And now rape and its extremely serious consequences don’t exist.

      And not wanting to be raped or suffer the existence of a rapist is now “woo woo spirit universe whatever the fuck impulsive whims” and therefore inconsequential and invalid.

      This is why we don’t listen to rape apologists. That right there. They don’t care about our rights, only the non existent rights of rapists, and they think victims are the ones who don’t have rights and should just learn to put up with it.

      Who would want to live in a world like that?

      We don’t need a garbage can for your sorry ass, we need a DUMP TRUCK.