I tried every ways to find communities from other instances. Searching for the url, searching for [email protected], with the filter “all”, and I always get no results.

Those are communities that I find in other instances and would like to join. Nothing works.

How do you do it??

    • TrollivierOP
      11 year ago

      Yeah I tried pretty much all the options for joining a community in a remote instance and I can’t get any results. I don’t know what to do.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Oh, I guess I didn’t read your OP closely enough. You did seem to hit the key points. I’m not sure what’s wrong and don’t have further suggestions. I have to think it’s something simple you’re missing, otherwise we’d be hearing a flood of similar reports… but what you’ve described should work. Sorry you’re having trouble.

        • TrollivierOP
          21 year ago

          I posted another comment with examples of things I tried with no result