I’ve been trying to use OneCell, but I keep having errors trying to set it up to handle a mutable vector that I can push to.

I know there’s going to be some answers telling me maybe not to use a singleton, but the alternative of passing a vector all around throughout my code is not ergonmic at all.

I’ve tried lots of things, but this is where I’m at right now. Specifically I’m just having trouble initializing it.


  • Stores a vec of Strings that is added to throughout the algorithm with information to report
  • To the end user and developer */ pub static LOG_CELL: OnceLock<&mut Vec> = OnceLock::new();

pub fn set_log() { LOG_CELL.set(Vec::new()); }

pub fn push_log(message: String) { if let Some(vec_of_messages) = LOG_CELL.get() { let something = *vec_of_messages; something.push(message); } } `

  • @[email protected]OP
    110 months ago

    One for now, theoretically many later.

    Nice I’ve never used Rc. Maybe now’s my chance to look into it.

    • @RunAwayFrog
      10 months ago

      Look into Arc, RwLock, and Mutex too.

      Later, check out parking_lot and co. and maybe async stuff too.