I’m using Gnome on Fedora and was wondering what terminal everyone’s using? When I had a Mac I really liked iTerm2 and was hoping to find a suitable Linux version, but so far no such luck. I’ve tried Guake but I can’t get the F12 binding to work.

Preferably, I’d like to find a terminal that can display system stats the same way as iTerm2.

  • Dolphinfucker420
    610 months ago

    There’s different terminals??? I just use whatever one comes default. What are the differences?

    • palordrolap
      10 months ago

      Customisability is the main draw. Maybe additional features like: support of high colour modes; browser-like tabs; transparency; background images; tile-ability and other interface integration things; ability to show images on the command line; etc.

      But as many people have said here, whatever comes with your distro is almost certain to be fine for everyday use, and probably has more customisation than the average user will need.

      Edit: Saving on making a second comment; GNOME Terminal is my distro’s default and what I use. I also have the venerable xterm installed just in case something goes wrong with GNOME Terminal and I absolutely have to have a terminal right that second. Haven’t needed it yet.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        If not using a DE there sometimes isn’t a default (although there may be a recommendation) so that’s a justification to look into it.

      • Dolphinfucker420
        110 months ago

        Yeah I use GNOME terminal as well but as time goes on becoming more and more of a power user so it’s cool to know about my options