Around 2017-2018, there used to be a huge circlejerk online about how Fortnite was the dumbest thing ever, to the point where “Fortnite bad, Minecraft good” was part of the infamous Keanu Chungus 100 meme. Why did it get so much hate, and why did it stop?

  • themoonisacheese
    2 years ago

    Honestly, Fortnite is really not that fun of a game.

    It was basically an attempt by epic at turning their zombie survival base building game (hah) into the rage of the moment, PUBG (which wasn’t that fun of a game either, I’m still salty I sold my CSGO knife to buy it). The fact that it was free meant that children who wanted to emulate their favorite streamer but couldn’t buy PUBG flocked to Fortnite instead, making it “the kid’s game”.

    The gameplay is ultimately filled with gimmicks that while not unfun in themselves, promote unfunny gameplay, in a wheel completed by building (this is why PUBG is less unfun, but also more barren. Building is an element used to fill what PUBG lacks, but choosing building to fill this void further promotes unfunny gameplay).